In one of the first shot-on and released direct-to-video features, Degausser Video is proud to present the Blu-ray debut of REDNECK ZOMBIES from special fx whizz Pericles Lewnes (The Toxic Avenger 2 & 3, Shatter Dead). Shot with barely a budget and almost entirely on weekends, the film delivers scares, laughs and better than expected gore! Sourced from the highest quality tape master, feast your eyes on this banquet of flesh!
directed by: Pericles Lewnes
starring: Lisa M.
DeHaven, James H. Housely, Martin J. Wolfman, Boo Teasedale, Anthony
Burlington-Smith, Tyrone Taylor, Darla Deans, Joe Benson, Bucky Santini
1989 / 90 min / 1.33:1 / English Mono
Additional info:
- Region Free Blu-ray
- Newly transferred and restored from the best quality archival tape master
- Presented in its fully uncut original director's edit with the following sound options: a brand new commentary track with producer Ed Bishop, director Pericles Lewnes and lead actress Lisa M DeHaven; an archival commentary track with producer Ed Bishop and director Pericles Lewnes; a brand new critical commentary track with James Branscome and Nick Vance of The Cinematic Void Podcast; and an isolated score
- Alternate 20th Anniversary Edit of REDNECK ZOMBIES (90 min)
- “Sweet Redneck Memories” (83 min) - a making-of documentary from 2023 featuring interviews with the cast and crew
- Unfinished archival making-of documentary (14 min)
- Deleted scenes (20 min)
- Outtakes (43 min)
- A scene from Crabtown, USA, a 1986 local cable access show that was a precursor to REDNECK ZOMBIES (3 min)
- In memoriam (1 min)
- Archival interviews with:
- - director Pericles Lewnes
- - producer Ed Bishop
- - associate producer William E. Benson
- - co-producer Bill Decker
- - ‘set mother’ Sandy Bishop
- - composer Adrian Bond
- - actress Lisa M. DeHaven
- - actor Alex Lewnes
- - actor Bucky Santini
- - misc. crew Jeff McKinstry
- - actor Tyrone Taylor
- - actor Martin J. Wolfman
- Multiple trailers:
- - Original
- - Troma
- - Trans World Entertainment
- Reversible sleeve artwork
- English SDH subtitles
Degausser Video is a brand new label created by several of the devious minds behind VS, which will bring to Blu-ray deluxe editions of both canonical and under-seen shot on video (SOV) genre cinema, in addition to work shot on film, but edited on tape, wherein the original film materials are believed to be lost or destroyed. Similar to Vinegar Syndrome's focus on FILM preservation, Degausser will work only from original analogue tape materials with an emphasis on maintaining the aesthetics inherent to each respective video format.
Category BLU-RAY